The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

I’ve always liked the movie, and in my experience, books are always so much better than the movie. In this case, not so much.

When I started reading this book I realized that it was like watching the movie. Everything I’d seen on the screen was happening in the book, and I kept on waiting for that big change. Some information that I didn’t get in the movie, or something at all to keep me reading. My boyfriend is a huge Dan Brown fan, and so when I told him that I was disappointed he just shook his head. He’s read most of Dan Brown’s books, so I thought, okay, maybe I’ll just need to read it again. So I started it again after some weeks, and I was yet to sit there disappointed.
It felt like I’d just wasted a whole lot of time on this one book, because I had already seen the movie. The movie was better. I can’t really point out what it was either, if it was the fact that I already knew what was going to happen, or if I started reading the book with such high expectations that I totally forgot about the fact that the book came before the movie. Despite this, I haven’t quite given up on his books. The fact that he can take historical objects and connect them in a way that makes it all seem so perfectly executed is amazing. And the fact that I actually felt like I learned something, is amazing.

Dan Brown is a good writer when it comes to connecting the thread to the dots, making it seem like a perfectly realistic plot. But his way of writing didn’t really connect to me. I felt bored, like he couldn’t make those climaxes seem like a climax, and that was really disappointing. It stands here in my bookshelf, I can see it, and I feel like it’s judging me just as I write. Maybe I just got it all wrong because of the movie? I feel like I’ve let it down somehow, but I promise that I’m going to try again in a couple of years. I promise.


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